Area-preserving parameterizations for spherical ellipses
EGSR 2017
We present new methods for uniformly sampling the solid angle subtended by a disk. To achieve this, we devise two novel area-preserving mappings from the unit square to a spherical ellipse (i.e. the projection of the disk onto the unit sphere). These mappings allow for low-variance stratified sampling of direct illumination from disk-shaped light sources. We discuss how to efficiently incorporate our methods into a production renderer and demonstrate the quality of our maps, showing significantly lower variance than previous work.
Downloads and links
- paper (PDF, 5.1 MB)
- supplemental document – numerical validation and additional results (PDF, 3.6 MB)
- slides – from the conference presentation (PDF, 6.2 MB)
- citation (BIB)
BibTeX reference
@article{Guillen:2017:Ellipses, Author = {Guill\'{e}n, Ib\'{o}n and Ure\~{n}a, Carlos and King, Alan and Fajardo, Marcos and Georgiev, Iliyan and L\'{o}pez-Moreno, Jorge and Jarabo, Adrian}, Journal = {Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of EGSR)}, Number = {4}, Title = {Area-Preserving Parameterizations for Spherical Ellipses}, Volume = {36}, Year = {2017} }